
Bicyclist Rules of the Road

Daniel and his mom had spent the morning school shopping in Yonkers, NY.  The stores were busy, and fitting rooms even more so.  When they finally made it home, Daniel asked if he could ride his bike to his friend’s house.  On the verge of a migraine, his mother said yes because she thought the peace and quiet would be nice and she could rest. Sadly, Daniel would never wear the school clothes he and his mom had spent the morning trying on and selecting.  Nor would Daniel show his friend his new backpack. A couple blocks away from home, a teenager who was texting and driving, struck and killed Daniel.

As a new school year begins and summer days linger on, young bicyclists will be sharing the road with motorists.  A review of the laws that govern bicyclists will help drivers keep aware of cyclist and help them stay safe. 

It is important to remember that bicyclists have the same right to share the road as motorists.  The right-of-way must be yielded to them, just as it would be any other car.  The same laws that apply motorists also apply to bicyclists.  When sharing the road with bicyclists, give them space. Also, reduce speed your speed possible because passing cyclist too closely creates air pressure that can push them off balance. 

Bicyclists must also do their part by following applicable laws. For example, depending on local laws, adults may or may not have to wear a helmet, but cyclists between the ages of age 1 to 13 must wear an approved helmet. There are also age restrictions on the whether a person can be a cyclist passenger. When age criteria permits a cyclist passenger, bicycle equipment requirements must be met to safely transport passengers.

Cyclist must use a bicycle lane when they are present.  In the absence of a bike line, cyclist should stay as far right on the road as possible.  The exception is making left turns; cyclists may move to the left of a lane to turn.  Cyclist should also refrain from riding on the sidewalk, unless permitted by local laws. Safety also requires a complete stop when entering the road from driveways and alleys; and hand signals are always encouraged as a way to communicate with others your intend to change direction or come to a stop.  

As in Daniel’s story, any incident involving a bicycle that cause serious injury or death must be reported to the DMV within 10 days.

Exercise patience when sharing the road with bicyclists because it can save a lot of regret.  Have you recently received a ticket while cycling or a traffic ticket?   Call Elisa Claro of The Claro Law Firm today.  As a traffic attorney she has handled thousands of tickets through the local court systems with an outstanding record of success. Let this experienced traffic lawyer represent you as well.  Call 917-300-3334 or click here to set up an appointment.

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